This baby loves her sisterlocks even more than me. I really love them because it is so easy to do her hair. One quick spray of distilled water with EO and a clip and she is off to play.
Hi, It has been way to long since I posted. What can I say technical and life challenges, still trying to get settled in beautiful Kingsland Ga. I just couldn't resist showing so updated photos. It's amazin how little you notice your own changes until you look at side by side photos like these........I assure you I will get back to you soon just making some neccessary adjustments. I love my Sisterlocks and Chloe really loves hers. She only seems to want to freestyle. Let me know what you think. My install was 9-05-09, these photos are 04-12-10 and it has grown even more since
Thanks so much for stopping by. Maybe you have already started your journey or seriously thinking about it. Which ever it is, may you find love and happiness along the way. I am proud to say I am now an official Sisterlocks consultant . The class was fascinating! Although I have been natural for well over 20 years and have always felt somewhat liberated, I also felt limited . Sisterlocks give me a true sense of freedom. From alot of things. Now I am able to offer others this beautiful Gift. Located in Kingsland Ga and serving the Kingsland, Brunswick Ga, along with Jacksonville and it's surrounding areas. Please call for your consultation 678-887-7202. Remember to sign up and Follow me....and Chloe as we embark on our journey.......